Yoga is included in the curriculam for std I-XII. We are proud to announce that we are having yoga class from the year of inception (1980), Our respects to our yoga Expert Mrs.Dharani.

The martial art actually help teach self-discipline and socialization skills. In fact, many parents whose children have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) report great success with these programs because self-control and concentration are exactly the skills underdeveloped in ADHD kids.

Art is the ability to create things apart from nature, the skillful adaptation and application of knowledge for communication and exploration purpose. The artroom is a well- equipped, spacious, light-filled area, where students can develop their self-esteem through involvement in the art making process, having fun as they explore new ideas, materials and techniques.

physical activity stimulates growth and leads to improved physical and emotional health. We realize the importance of physical health along with their mental health.

The event was the usual sports day wherein students paraded their skills, the mammoth mass drill stole the show with interesting details and anecdotes narrated before each exercise.

Balavikas is based on the Divine doctrine "The End of Education is character". This program has been designed to help children to practice the basic human values namely Sathya , Dharma, Shanthi and Athma. This is done through simple teaching techniques such as prayer, group singing , meditation, storytelling and group activities.

This is the world's fastest mental maths system. It is based on the sutras or words formulas. It builds and strengthens the maths concepts among children and eradicates maths phobia and creates an interest towards the subject.

The main objective of the Road Safety Patrol (RSP) is to inculcate in the students, the importance of following road safety rules, discipline and to teach them to regulate traffic in the school campus.

To develop qualities of Character, Leadership, Comradeship, Courage, Discipline, Spirit of Adventure, Secular Outlook and the ideals of Selfless Service amid the Youth of the Country
Management Trustee
